Parts Department
If you have ever been to our store you know how well stocked our parts department is. We have all sorts of OEM parts from Bayliner, Crownline, Custom Weld Boats, EZ Loader, Karavan, KingFisher Boats, Mercury, SmokerCraft, SunChaser, Sylvan, Supreme Boats and Yamaha. After being in business for over 50 years we carry many hard to find and no longer available parts as well. If we don’t stock what you need we also have many non-OEM options to choose from to get the right part for you. For the motor sports enthusiast, we have catalogs from Western Power Sports, Parts Unlimited and Tucker Rocky to meet your needs. Stop in or call today to see how we can help you!
Our Parts Department is staffed Monday through Saturday and has the same hours as the retail store. If you have a question about general service or winterization please feel free to stop in and see us. For over 50 years we have been giving sound advice to boaters and snowmobilers alike to get their equipment running right!
We offer a large selection of parts and accessories. Our showroom features the latest in Bayliner, Crownline, Custom Weld Boats, EZ Loader, Karavan, KingFisher Boats, Mercury Marine, SmokerCraft, SunChaser, Sylvan, Starweld, Supreme Boats and Yamaha Marine . If we don't have it in stock, we can find it for you.
We can also assist you with customizing your boat, boat trailer, outboard . You get the most satisfying results with a plan for how you want it to look. We customize boat, boat trailer and outboards all the time, so let us help you design yours! Stop by and enjoy friendly service for all your parts and accessory needs.
Online Parts Orders
If you would like to place an order online, please go to our Parts Request page.